The book series of the Center of Excellence for Technology Education appears once or twice a year.
It should serve as a publication forum for scientists from CETE. Further it is also intended to be used for outstanding theses, as well as a summary report of international congresses of CETE aligns to questions of Technology Education.
The publications of CETE serve the still young field of Technology Education as an additional form of publication and thereby complements the previously few expert forums.
CETE Vol. 2: Research in Technology Education

Available now.
Marc J. de Vries, Stefan Fletcher, Stefan Kruse, Peter Labudde, Martin Lang, Ingelore Mammes, Charles Max, Dieter Münk, Bill Nicholl, Johannes Strobel, Mark Winterbottom (Hrsg.)
With articles from: Victoria Adenstedt, Johannes Deutsch, Tatiana Esau, Katie Klavenes, Alexander Koch, Stefan Kruse, Charles Max, Benedikt Schwuchow, Julia Steinfeld, Jennifer Stemmann, Marc J. de Vries, Leo van Waveren, Lena Wenger
With the increasing technological orientation in modern societies Technology Education is gaining more and more importance. It should help in developing an understanding of technology as well as skills and self-concepts to deal with technology. However, there is a lack of knowledge in how Technology Education operates and what its outcome will be. Thus, research work has to be done in different fields of Technology Education. Upcoming academics of the CETE network have dedicated themselves to such research questions.
Thus, the present book will attempt to resolve the lack of research in Technology Education by presenting the research work of upcoming academics. In this way, CETE contributes to its development work by extending the research results in Technology Education as well as by supporting young academics. Beside two basic articles about Technology Education research, there are different studies and their results presented. Three different drafts of studies offer future prospects for research results.
Printversion: ISBN 978-3-8309-3801-9
E-Book: ISBN 978-3-8309-8801-4
Publisher: Waxmann

The first book of CETE is available.
Technology Education Today – International Perspectives
M.J. De Vries; S. Fletcher; S. Kruse; P. Labudde; M. Lang; I. Mammes; C. Max; D. Münk; B. Nicholl; J. Strobel & M. Winterbottom
Intention/ Summary:
In a technology-oriented world, technology literacy for everyone is essential. Especially for a technological-responsible society. It will be developed by technological socialization; educating not only competencies but also a positive technological self-concept, which is a predictor for technology activities. It developes by actively dealing with technology. A lack of experience may lead to the idea of having poor skills and inapt qualities for the exposure to technology. As a result, interactions will be avoided. To antagonize, technology is taught in different countries in various ways. Even some are starting at primary schools and others are starting at middle school age. Thus, the aim of this publication is to summarize different possibilities of implementations in different countries.
Scientists with high reputation from all over the world are invited to describe the state of technology education in their country (e.g. Australia, Germany, Kanada, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA).